When you arrive at Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital through the main entrance, you will be welcomed either by our volunteer greeter or by our registration department.  We are anxious to serve you in the most efficient, respectful, and thorough manner, so please know that the time spent together during the registration process is important.  During the registration process, you will be asked to provide demographic information as well as information about insurance or other plans for health care financial coverage. Additionally, general consent and insurance authorizations for all patients are signed during the registration process.  To expedite the process, patients should be prepared with the following information or items:

• Picture ID
• All active insurance cards
• Provider orders (unless electronically transferred from the Provider office)
• HMO authorization & referral (if required)
• Copay
Our Registration Department is located in the lobby, to the right, just beyond the volunteer greeter desk.  We are open 7 days a week, from 7:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M.  After hours registration is provided through the Emergency Room or Nurses Station by our Hospital Information Clerks or ED staff members.