Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Focusing on preventing and managing health problems, nutritional issues, emotional and stress management.

Community Outreach

Outreach Department programs focus on preventing and managing health problems, nutritional issues, emotional and stress management. Many of these additional programs are made possible through affiliations with other community agencies.

  • Health Screenings
    • blood pressure
    • flu clinics
    • cholesterol screenings
  • Peer networking groups
  • CPR/First Aid Training and Recertification Classes
  • Diabetes Education
  • Weight Watchers Program
  • Teddy Bear Clinic
  • Annual Two Rivers Cancer Fund Events

Our employees participate in many worthwhile community outreach activities, including the Walk NH event and the Annual Moose Festival.

Community Benefits Reporting

The Annual Community Benefits Report is legislation mandated as a requirement for non-profit hospitals. This report is filed with the Attorney Generals office and details how we meet the special needs of our most vulnerable, at-risk population groups, as described in our Community Needs Assessment. State law requires that a Community Needs Assessment to be conducted every four years.

For more information, call (603) 388-4292.
